Welcome Authors:

We are always looking for high quality pieces in each of our four main categories;

Inspiration, Wealth, Health and Spirituality.


To Our Authors: We are always looking to showcase quality authors that would like exposure to our audience.  (25-38 & 52-68 life transition age groups.) If we select your article for publication, we will feature your picture (or logo) and bio in the right sidebar next to your article.

We normally promote each new article to our list, and bring the reader back to the original page to read more. This also provides an opportunity for the reader to follow other articles you may have had featured over time.

Articles can be submitted in Text, Video (mp4, YouTube link), or Audio (mp3,AAC,etc) format. To have a good match with our site, your pieces should by themed within one of the following categories:

Note: Please direct submission questions and submissions to:Authors@ThePowerOfIntentionalLiving.com

Inspiration: This category is focused on real life examples of people who are living intentionally (by their own design) and using their strengths to create success in the life. Pieces can be inspirational stories, interviews, biographies, or other intentional living relevant pieces. Submit in text, video(mp4 or YouTube link) or audio (mp3, etc.) formats. 
Health: These articles focus on ways (methods, tools, etc.) that inspire readers to look at the entire balance of food, exercise and personal beliefs that bring physical and mental health into reality. Articles that help people move from inactivity to more active lives. Exercises that energize and strengthen mind and body. Ways to stay focused and positive. Examples: 3 Habits That Make Life More Fun, The Decision To Be Happy, 5 Techniques Your Yogi Never Taught You, etc.   
Wealth: Articles should contain ways (insights, techniques, or other advice) on how to align their strengths and values to successfully drive their financial wealth.  Examples: 6 Ways to Find Work That Matters and Pays.  The Monetary Value Of Knowing Who You Are, Work Your Strengths and Grow Your Wealth, Why Your Resume Got You The Wrong Job,   All articles must be based upon proven, respected sources. 
Spirituality: The core of these articles should focus on how we connect who we are spiritually with what we do in life. Ideas: Articles could suggest ways to deepen that connection and expand possibilities throughout our lives, in our work, play or solitude. Methods to help a reader look deeper into how their spirit can drive their inspiration and intention. Examples: From Inspiration to Action, Spirit Driven Happiness. etc. 
Our goal is to provide highly effective methods, tools and inspirations that help our readers expereince a life filled with success, vitality and personal fulfillment. A Life Lived Through Their Strengths.   If you are an author focusing in Inspiration, Wealth, Health or Spirituality and would like to be showcased on The Power of Intentional Living, we’d love to help inspire more people to follow you.

Here are the Guidelines:

  1. Your post must be 100% original content authored by you.
  2. If your post is published on TPIL, you agree not to submit that post to any other site. (It shows you value us presenting you to our wonderful readers and encourages people to follow you here more often.)
  3. You retain all the rights to your article and are acknowledged as the author of each of your posts we publish.
  4. We review every submission for the quality of it’s writing, appropriateness and clear relevance to our Intentional Living theme.
  5. We reserve the right to reformat your content to assure it presents consistently within our site look and design appearance.
  6. When submitting your article/post, please indicate which of the Categories (Inspiration, Wealth, Health, Spirituality) you feel best matches the theme of your article’s content. We will add a photo matched to highlight the theme of your submission.

I’m very excited to learn from your experiences, research and creativity. I look forward to presenting your work as a contribution to bettering peoples lives.

Thank you for considering our site as a way of sharing your passions and strengths to help others.

All the best,



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